Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Critical Analysis Essay on The Yellow Wallpaper
Critical Analysis Essay on The Yellow Wallpaper The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a popular literary piece for critical analysis, especially in women’s gender studies. It focuses on several inequalities in the relation between John and his wife. It was published for the first time in 1892 in a New England magazine and is considered to be one of the earliest and essential feminist literary pieces in America. The story illustrates the physical as well as the mental deterioration of women during the 19 century due to a medically prescribed treatment of being allowed to do nothing. Gilman created a very effective fictional narrative based on her personal experience with depression, and this had a strong impact on other women. This story was written to condemn the sexual politics which make the medical treatment prescribed possible. The story is critically acclaimed because it brings into focus the unequal relationship the males and females in the society. The male gender is perceived to dominate society while the female gender is not given the space to make decisions independently of men. This is seen in the instances when John belittles his wife’s creative endeavors. John does not respect his wife, and so he treats her like one of his children by calling her a little girl. This makes the wife dislike her house. To her, the environment seems too isolated, making her unhappy. The story portrays women in Western society as deprived of their rights. Instead, they are treated like objects or men’s possessions. They have nowhere to exercise their personal freedoms, and they feel belittled by the male counterparts. For instance, John keeps on dismissing his wife’s thoughts and opinions. He believes that his wife should depend solely on him for almost everything. This is why this story has enjoyed such popularity, mostly by women who feel that they deserve a better place in the society, that they need space to exercise their creativity and productivity. Women feel they have strong potential and the ability to do anything, just like men do, and they should not depend on men for everything. Rather, they should depend on men as much as men depend on women. Women should have their decisions respected, and no one should dismiss their ideas. Instead, ideas should be shared and debated, regardless of gender. Moreover, men should support women as equals rather than belittle them. In Gilman’s story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†John acts as the mirror through which women are viewed negatively in the society, a society in which women are not perceived to be full citizens. They are not supposed to be anywhere near the political arena or in the public eye. Instead, they should remain in their homes. This view has led to women fighting for their rights through creating women movements to fight for their place in the society. Tips on Writing a Critical Essay over a Literary Piece First, it is important to understand that a critical essay is not a criticism of the literary piece or of its author. It is your reaction or response to the piece. Begin by reading the piece several times, if possible. Highlight and make notes on anything that captures your attention. That could be a phrase, a character’s thought or action, or an event. Then analyze why that interests you. What is the significance? What is the writer trying to achieve? Knowing the writer’s background and the social or historical time period in which a story takes place is helpful in understanding the significance of characters or story events. Then, create a thesis statement that reflects your opinion about some aspect of the literary piece. Next, utilize evidence from the piece to support your opinion. Finally, organize your writing in a logical fashion. Do not retell the story or present details in chronological order. Assume your reader knows the literary piece being discussed and is interested in your opinion and how you support it. Our custom essay writing service is ready to provide you with high-quality custom written essays. All you need is to contact our writing company and to fill in the order form.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
German and United States Relations
German and United States Relations Different waves of German immigration to the U.S. resulted in German immigrants becoming one of the largest ethnic groups in the US. Starting in the late 1600s, Germans immigrated to the U.S. and established their own communities such as Germantown near Philadelphia in 1683. Germans came to the US for various reasons including economic hardship. Nearly a million Germans immigrated to the U.S. in the aftermath of the German Revolution in the 1840s. World War I At the beginning of the World War I, the U.S. declared its neutrality but soon changed positions after Germany began its unlimited submarine warfare. This phase of the war led to the sinking of various American and European vessels, among them the Lusitania which carried about a thousand passengers including 100 Americans. America officially entered the conflict against the Germans in a war which ended in 1919 with Germanys loss and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Jewish Persecution Tensions resurfaced when Hitler starting targeting the Jewish population which eventually escalated into the holocaust. Trade agreements between the United States and Germany were eventually revoked and the American ambassador recalled in 1938. However, some critics state that, due to the isolationist tendency of the U.S. politics at the time, America did not take sufficient steps to prevent Hitlers rise and the persecution of Jews. World War II As in World War I, the U.S. initially took a neutral position. In the early phase of the war, the U.S. enacted a trade embargo against all the warring nations and this isolationist position did not change until the fall of France and the real prospect of the fall of Britain when the United States began supplying weapons to the anti-German side. Tensions escalated when the United States began sending warships to protect weapon supplies, which eventually fell under attack from German submarines. After Pearl Harbor, the United States officially entered the war which ended with the surrender of Germany in 1945. Split Germany The end of World War II saw Germany occupied by France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Eventually, the Soviets controlled the eastern German Democratic Republic and the Americans and western allies supported the western Federal Republic of Germany, both established in 1949. Cold war rivalry between the two superpowers dictated the realities in Germany. U.S. aid to Western Germany was characterized by the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild German infrastructure and economy and provided incentives for Western Germany, among others European countries to remain in the anti-Soviet bloc. Split Berlin The city of Berlin (in the eastern part of Germany) was also divided between eastern and western powers. The Berlin Wall became a physical symbol of both the Cold War and the Iron Curtain. Reunification Competition between the two German halves remained in place until the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The reunified of Germany re-established its capital in Berlin. Current Relations The Marshall Plan and U.S. troop presence in Germany has left a legacy of cooperation between both nations, politically, economically, and militarily. Although both countries have had recent disagreements on foreign policy, especially with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, relations remained favorable overall, especially with the election of pro-American politician Angela Merkel.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Childrens Literature Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Childrens Literature Interview - Essay Example I've never a full count of them, but my estimate would be that I personally own at least 150 different children's books. That includes picture books as well as reading books. Most of them are display in various locations around my classroom simply because I think it does children so much value just to actually see books because they may not have any at home. Especially the kids who come to my school because we live in a low-income area where 95% the students throughout the school qualify for free lunch. Since they are kindergarteners, most of the books they actually pick up are picture books or have limited vocabulary. A: Well, our school instituted a mandatory two hour reading block for all grades. Obviously, the way this is conducted in kindergarten is different from the higher grades. Much of our reading time is spent in reading groups, actually. We have some computer programs and we have worksheets, but I always try to spend at least half the time with actual books in their hands. The terrific thing about the level of children's books I use in kindergarten is that after seven years I have memorized quite a bit of them. Verse books especially. This allows me to actually watch them as they get stuck on a word while I am following along in my head. Q: If you've memorized some of the books and you have over one-hundred of them, I would imagine that would mean there are some favorites that get read every single year What kind of books are favored among kindergarteners in the 21st century A: The doctor never fails. Dr. Seuss is just as popular now as ever. It might be the verbal play and silly words, but at the same time they enjoy books about Charlie Brown and the "If you give a" series. Of course, when it comes to having kids actually looking through a book on their desk, you can't beat Eric Carle. Q: As an educator, why do you think Dr. Seuss is as popular in 2008 as he was in 1968 A: I may be the wrong person to ask. Quite evidently, the rhymes and the made-up words appeal to kids. Dr. Seuss is fun to listen to and the illustrations obviously have great appeal. Any book with humorous drawings is a guaranteed hit among kindergarteners. But I think my particular experiences with Dr. Seuss may differ from others. Q: Could others learn from your experience Do you think this experience with Dr. Seuss is something that could be translated into a standard lesson plan or curricula A: The way I deal with rhyming books and Seuss in general is not something that I would consider standardizing. You have to have a flair for the dramatic and even a certain willingness to kind of make a fool of yourself, I guess. The language and fun and humor of Seuss in particular, but most kindergarten-level rhyming book in general, may appeal to contemporary students even more than students in 1968 or 1988. The rhythm of these books is instantly recognizable to most of my students, and probably every American student, as a form of rap. So, even though I'm not a fan of rap music or consider myself a great rapper, I know I can reach these students by turning Dr. Seuss into a rap song. Any
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethical Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethical Theories - Essay Example Additionally, one of the major uncertainties in the Act Utilitarianism is that it appears to be too lenient, able to justifying some crime, and yet making it ethically compulsory, if simply the worth of the particular outcomes of the particular act is great enough. In addition, there is another major uncertainty and that is act-utilitarianism is much better in theory than in practice, as we barely ever have the time as well as the information to forecast the outcomes of an act, review their worth, and formulate judgments through probable alternative acts (Utilitarianism; Utilitarianism2). In case of Jean’s nephew Pierre, Jean has used illegal means to bring a prescription. In this situation, Pierre’s life was in danger and due to un-availability of medicine he can die. According to Act Utilitarianism the act of Jean has created happiness and offered a great deal of relief from pain. According to Act Utilitarianism Jean has performed a rightful and legal action that ulti mately saved someone’s life. Rule Utilitarianism Oxford moral philosopher R. M. Hare presented a 2-tiered theory that is known as rule utilitarianism. According to this theory, without doubt happiness is the eventual moral value; the means to go after it can be not direct. In this scenario, a 2 tiered theory would assess categories of events normally similar to as telling the truth, murder, remaining realistic in a wedding, breaking promises, regarding parents, caring for children, punishing the innocent, etc. However, some of the categories of proceedings are assessed rather than individual proceedings, a large number of people need to be measured in such estimated scenario should all in a culture be permissible to cheat? If a wide-ranging moral exclusion besides cheating creates more pleasure, then rule utilitarians would ease the moral rule "Don't Cheat." (LawAndBioEthics; Utilitarianism; Utilitarianism2). In addition, the rule utilitarianism is a quasi rule oriented struc ture where policies perform a vital role; however the system completely relies on a standard. In this scenario, the fundamental utilitarian principle is utilized, with facts regarding social communication, to derive rules. Additionally, once the systems are prepared, no direct computation of utility is required. Moreover, the law has to be pursued even if the individual measures produce more pain as compared to pleasure (LawAndBioEthics; Utilitarianism; Utilitarianism2). In case of Jean’s nephew Pierre, Jean is performing a wrong deed. In the light of Rule Utilitarianism, Jean is going against her personal code of law. This leads her to guilty of crime for using his job authority for illegal task. On the other hand she also saved the life of Pierre; this situation takes her to another aspect that she has performed a rightful job. Kantiansim Kantiansim is a viewpoint of ethics that is presented by Immanuel Kant. In this theory, Kant supposed that people should take care of as an end as well as never as a simple means to an end. On the other hand, it is immoral to utilize people for our own personal objective since people are important in themselves. In addition, Kantianism is a non consequential theory outlining the act itself is more significant as compared to the results of that act. In fact, Kant’
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethnography of Speaking Essay Example for Free
Ethnography of Speaking Essay The article â€Å"Ethnography of Speaking†towards a Linguistics of Praxis†by Alessandro Duranti provides thorough study of language use in everyday life of a particular speech community. Actually, the author discusses peculiarities of language use involving communicative competence, context, speech communities, speech events, speech acts and conversation analysis. This study is centered on a situation discourse meaning that linguistic performance is evaluated in terms of socio-cultural order and language. It is noted that ethnography of speaking (ES) is concerned with finding relations between â€Å"language use and local systems of knowledge and social conduct†. The author discusses the goals of the speech, attributes of linguistic code and provides definitions of main terms involved in the discussion of language use. The author admits that ethnographers of speaking are interested in analyzing language use. The author claims that â€Å"the notion of language use is strictly related to the view of sociolinguistics as merely a different methodology, a different way of obtaining data†. However, ES define language use as the use of linguistic code in terms of a particular culture or community. The author assumes that unity of language is only illusion and in order to interpret the sign it is necessary to analyze the context. The goals of ES are to establish social identities and relationships, to explain how it is possible to change the world, to provide frames for speech events and act and, finally, to break social and cultural barriers. It is necessary to notice that ethnographic study wants to describe knowledge required by participants to communicate successfully with each other. Therefore, speaking or not speaking is significant for all human interactions. The process of speaking is, thus, constitutive of reality meaning that speaking â€Å"makes something already existing present to the participants or creates something anew†. Finally, the author discusses the role of speaking in shaping people’s life. Why speaking is important for human interactions? Works Cited Duranti, Alessandro. Ethnography of Speaking Towards Linguistics of Praxis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Comparing Symbolical Language in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Great
Symbolical Language in Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Great Gatsby In some novels, strong impressions are exploited to conceal other meanings. Unraveling these symbolic word puzzles may reveal insights into the author's perspective and one's own secrets. A careful analysis of selected passages of two books: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Francis Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, will show that symbolical language can reveal even more insight. In this comparison, symbolism in the passages containing variations of the words "blossom" or "blooming" will be examined to reveal human development beyond sexuality and anatomy. The protagonist, Janie, in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, was sixteen years old when a series of natural events led to her to unlocking the secrets of her own sexuality. "Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back yard" introduces a location suitable for observing a miracle of reproduction in nature. The word "blossoming" indicates the narrator's comments are in the active present tense. The next few sentences, changing to past tense, reveal that this particular day--the third day--was much different than the first two. "That was to say, ever since the first tiny bloom had opened." The author poetically reveals progressive stages of pear tree flowers "blooming" along with their pollination by bees. This process so intensely intrigues Janie that her enhanced awareness triggers previously hidden sensual emotions and desires. Janie's continuous observation of the interplay among the plant and insect kingdom--mixed with her own intuitive feelings while lying on her back beneath the pear tree--leads her to a burst of in... ...prevent Gatsby from relating to other "nice" girls like Daisy (148). In other words, both Janie and Gatsby had stumbled into a new awareness because of major turning points in their lives, but these were just beginnings! They had graduated from being "grown up children," but now they were like "children at being adults" still having much to learn. The remaining story developments of both books detail further growth in the character development of the protagonists and the principle characters. And so it is with us and how we unravel the mysteries of symbolism in literary word puzzles, that we as readers can also grow like "blossoms blooming" through the eyes of Hurston and Fitzgerald. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 1953. Hurston, Zora N. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Harper & Row, 1937.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cars Versus motorcycles Essay
In the united states many people buy cars and motorcycles. Some people prefer driving cars rather than motorcycles. Both are very popular types of transportation these days. Cars and motorcycles have many differences in their cost, convenience ,safety, comfort and maintenance. The first difference between cars and motorcycles are the cost. For example, people need to pay a lot of money if they want to buy or lease a car. However, motorcycles are cheaper to rent or buy. Also, cars are more convenient than motorcycles. For instance, cars can transport many people but motorcycles do not do it. Also, cars have air condition and people can listen music while they drive. Other, advantages have a car is another person can drive for someone when he is drunk. Motorcycles are most popular in young people because is most exciting, easy to parking and avoids traffic. The second important difference is safety. For example, cars have seat beats and air bags can protect the drivers. However ,in motorcycles, people only can use helmet, so drivers are fragile. Also, cars have a cage most protectors in case of accident than motorcycles. Although, the car insurance is the most expensive than motorcycles it covers all damage. Also, people in motorcycle need to use sunglasses for protect their eyes. In case of terrible accident people in motorcycle died, so cars are most safety. Other essential differences are comfort and maintenance .Motorcycles do not have comfort because seats are very awkward. However ,cars have soft seats and if it is raining people will not get wet. When people need to change oil and tires, it is very expensive. Also, cars are most difficult to repair and use a lot of gas. However ,motorcycles are too easy repair because do not have a big motor. Motorcycles are not difficult to maintain. In conclusion ,cars and motorcycles are very different in their cost, convenience, safety, comfort and maintenance. A lot of people buy cars or motorcycles, it is a very common type of transportation .Each person buys a vehicle that they like for their features.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
IB Math Exploration
Although the aluminum can and the wood chip were ere close together, there was still a large amount of heat loss to the surroundings. This resulted in a lower temperature reading, which in turn reduced our AT value. Thus reducing our overall enthalpy of combustion and is one of the reasons why the theoretical value does not fall within our experimental range. A way we could possibly reduce this error is to alter the apparatus and let as little air escape as possible which would keep energy losses to a minimum while maintaining a stable environment for the wood chip to combustion.Ideally we could have the apparatus inside a glass chamber with a hole for the temperature probe and a hole to light the Another source of error we must take into a count was the improper use of the temperature probe. Instead of letting the probe sit freely in the aluminum can producing an accurate measurement; we let the probe sink to the bottom of the can where it would record a higher temperature due to th e hot spot in the water. This has an impact on our experimental value and would be a reason why our experimental value is higher than the theoretical one.This is not the case due to the act that heat loss reduces the amount of energy gained by a substantial amount compared to how much is gained from a rise in temperature. We could have simply eliminated this error by keeping the probe suspended in the water and giving it a stir every once in a while in order to reach uniform temperature in the can. A couple of minor errors I noticed were the fact that we used a graduated cylinder to measure our amount of water. Then we poured that water into our aluminum can but we weren't able to pour every ounce of water out of the cylinder.Thus affecting our mass in our mica formula for water and having an overall negative affect on our enthalpy value. Another minor thing was that as I noted in my qualitative data I incomplete combustion since soot (or otherwise known as impure carbon particles) is one of the products from that reaction. In this type of reaction less energy is released, thus dropping our enthalpy of combustion value to even further below our theoretical value. In order to fix these minor errors we can fill our can directly from the tap as well as have a greater supply of clean oxygen for the reaction to occur.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Jacqueline Kennedy essays
Jacqueline Kennedy essays Each generation of the United States has represented a time of growth and development for society. Throughout existence there have been individuals that were important personal examples to people around them. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis has been acknowledged as an exceptional and unique American icon by millions of citizens. She dedicated her life to her country and her loved ones, and impacted the public in many important ways. Not only did she demonstrate the importance of life but she also touched the hearts of many with her style and dignity. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born in Southampton, New York on July 28, 1929. Being the elder of two daughters of John and Janet Lee Bouver, she was raised in an affluent and cultured environment mainly in New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia. As a young child, she enjoyed horses and her ability to horseback ride was one of her most favorite activities to complete. She attended Vassar College, studied abroad in Paris, and eventually graduated from George Washington University in 1951. In 1952, while working as a photographer for the Washington Times-Herald, she interviewed Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. On September 12, 1953 she and Kennedy were married. They had three children, one of which died two days after his birth. As First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy wanted to make the nations capital a source of pride. She redecorated the White House as well as planned a national cultural center, later named the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. On November 22, 1963 Jacqueline witnessed her husbands assassination in Dallas, Texas. After this tragedy, she moved to New York City with her two children in hopes of privacy. On October 20, 1968, she married Aristotle Onassis, a wealthy Greek businessman. After she was widowed for a second time, Jacqueline began a career in publishing and then became a senior editor at Doubleday, where she specia...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Practice Restaurant Dialogue for Ordering Food
Practice Restaurant Dialogue for Ordering Food Ordering food in a restaurant is one of the most basic tasks for English learners- after all, eating is essential and so is talking about eating- but it can also be one of the most daunting. This simple lesson is aimed at beginners who are practicing ordering for the very first time. Use this lesson, dialogue, and sample menu to help ESL students learn how to order food in a restaurant using basic vocabulary Preparing for the Dialogues Simple dialogues will help students to order food and speak in a socially acceptable way in a restaurant while challenging listening-comprehension exercises will help boost their passive-understanding skills. Before having students perform the dialogue below, ask them to name different types of food they might find in a restaurant. Write the vocabulary on the board and make sure students also take notes. After they do so: Give students the dialogue and menu, and ask them to read through it carefully. Point out the use of would like for asking for and making requests. You may also want to make sure they notice the use of here you are instead of please when handing someone something.Pair students and ask them to role-play ordering food in a restaurant using the menu below (or a more interesting menu you may have on hand). Both students should switch roles a number of times.If you have access to a computer, improve passive understanding by doing a listening- comprehension exercise, like the one found in this practice script. Finally, ask students what are some ways (dialogues, thematic texts, and narrative stories) they can use to help them improve their listening-comprehension skills in English. Dialogue: Ordering Food in a Restaurant Have students pair up to practice the following dialogue, then have them switch roles. Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?.Kim: Yes, Id like to have some lunch.Waiter: Would you like a starter?Kim: Yes, Id like a bowl of chicken soup, please.Waiter: And what would you like for your main course?Kim: Id like a grilled cheese sandwich.Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?Kim: Yes, Id like a glass of Coke, please.Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? We dont have Coke.Kim: That would be fine.Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) Can I bring you anything else?Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.Waiter: Certainly.Kim: I dont have my glasses. How much is the lunch?Waiter: Thats $6.75.Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.Waiter: Youre welcome. Have a good day.Kim: Thank you. Same to you. Sample Menu Use this menu to practice ordering food in a restaurant. Have students swap out different food and drink items to modify the above dialogue, or let them create their own dialogues. Joes Restaurant Starters Chicken Soup $2.50 Salad $3.25 Sandwiches - Main Course Ham and cheese $3.50 Tuna $3.00 Vegetarian $4.00 Grilled Cheese $2.50 Slice of Pizza $2.50 Cheeseburger $4.50 Hamburger $5.00 Spaghetti $5.50 Drinks Coffee $1.25 Tea $1.25 Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Ice Tea $1.75
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 16
Marketing - Essay Example Nevertheless, the company has built a reputation with teenagers and young adults who generally flock their stores to purchase fashionable clothes of their choice. As such, these clothing apparels, which are produced and marketed internationally requires strategic decision making. For A&F to make good judgements regarding its operations, the company must primarily perceive the external factors that may affect the company’s operation that are out of its direct control (CIPD, 2008). Understanding the macro-environment aids both in the detection of possible opportunities and financial threats for and to the business respectively. In order to perceive a better view of the environment where Abercrombie and Fitch operates in, the PESTLE analysis should be used to identify risks, growth and decline, proper market positioning and possible direction for the overall improvement of the company’s product and organizational management (CIPD, 2008). PESTLE stands for Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental (CIPD, 2008). Taking into consideration the individual elements of PESTLE as previously mentioned the Abercrombie and Fitch Management should decisively analyze the following: 1. Political – as a retail clothes company that manages outlets internationally, management at A&F must de aware of the different government regulations regarding trading policies with regards to trade restrictions and tariffs that may apply. It should also be updated with political trends, international pressure groups and inter-country relationships. 2. Economic encompasses the overseas economic trends. Taxation changes specific to product/service. The company must also be aware of interest and exchange rates on international trade and monetary issues. A study of credit availability, cost of living, economic growth and wage rates among others must be done on a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Letter to the editor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Letter to the editor - Assignment Example Mr. Perez makes the assumption that everyone will agree with his position that racial profiling is dangerous rhetoric. The truth is Americans are concerned with the problems of illegal immigration. Only minorities might agree with this point of view. A better argument can be made than racial profiling is wrong. Solutions need to be given for the immigration problem. There are no easy solutions, but maybe if Arizona is provided with alternatives, then racial profiling legislation might not be needed. Several options that could be explored are stricter I.D. regulations. New technology could provide the answer. In many states, to receive an I.D. a fingerprint must be given. Police might be provided with a fingerprint pad to compare with the fingerprint listed on file. If the I.D. is not legitimate this could be spotted immediately. Another option would be all government services have a photo I.D. with the fingerprint requirement. Services like healthcare, any governmental services, and so forth could be mandated. Buying tags, registering a car, filing a lawsuit, and registering for a post office box are all examples of government services. Driver’s Licenses and state I.D.s with better security measures like finger prints, barcodes, and photos embedded in the issue I.D. with the same techniques as used in money and checks could help spot illegal immigrants. A perfect example of checking I.D. legally would be through the Census. If an individual does not send in a Census form , the Census bureau sends out field agents. Names that are sent in can be checked with legitimate Social Security numbers, credit reports, and other sources, if a name cannot be matched up, then I.D. will be required. There are so many instances that an I.D. is required. Eventually illegal immigrants would be caught. Crime is another issue that the Arizona legislation addressed. Violent crimes are being committed by
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